NVelocity.NAnt.Anakia Namespace Summary

Class Summary
AnakiaXmlDocument Customized XmlDocument for Anakia so that AnakiaXmlElements can be created
AnakiaXmlElement A JDOM {@link Element} that is tailored for Anakia needs. It has {@link #selectNodes(String)} method as well as a {@link #toString()} that outputs the XML serialized form of the element. This way it acts in much the same way as a single-element {@link NodeList} would.
Escape This class is for escaping CDATA sections. The code was "borrowed" from the JDOM code. I also added in escaping of the " -> " character.
NodeList Provides a class for wrapping a list of JDOM objects primarily for use in template engines and other kinds of text transformation tools. It has a {@link #toString()} method that will output the XML serialized form of the nodes it contains - again focusing on template engine usage, as well as the {@link #selectNodes(String)} method that helps selecting a different set of nodes starting from the nodes in this list. The class also implements the {@link java.util.List} interface by simply delegating calls to the contained list (the {@link #subList(int, int)} method is implemented by delegating to the contained list and wrapping the returned sublist into a NodeList).