Class AnakiaTask

Fields inherited from class SourceForge.NAnt.Element
_location, _parent, _project, _xmlNode

Constructor Summary

Property Summary
string Destdir
         Set the destination directory into which the VSL result files should be copied to
string Extension
         Allow people to set the default output file extension
SourceForge.NAnt.FileSet FileSet
         The set of files to be included in the archive.
string LastModifiedCheck
         Turn on/off last modified checking. by default, it is on.
string ProjectFile
         Allow people to set the path to the project.xml file
string Style
         Allow people to set the path to the .vsl file
string TemplatePath
         Set the path to the templates. The way it works is this: If you have a Velocity.properties file defined, this method will override whatever is set in the Velocity.properties file. This allows one to not have to define a Velocity.properties file, therefore using Velocity's defaults only.
string VelocityPropertiesFile
         Allow people to set the path to the velocity.properties file This file is found relative to the path where the JVM was run. For example, if build.sh was executed in the ./build directory, then the path would be relative to this directory. This is optional based on the setting of setTemplatePath().

Properties inherited from class SourceForge.NAnt.Task
FailOnError, IfDefined, LogPrefix, Name, UnlessDefined, Verbose

Properties inherited from class SourceForge.NAnt.Element
Location, Parent, Project, Properties

Method Summary
void ExecuteTask()
         Main body of the application

Methods inherited from class SourceForge.NAnt.Task
Execute, InitializeElement, InitializeTask

Methods inherited from class SourceForge.NAnt.Element

Methods inherited from class System.Object
Equals, Finalize, GetHashCode, GetType, MemberwiseClone, ToString

Constructor Detail


public AnakiaTask()


Property Detail


public string Destdir

Set the destination directory into which the VSL result files should be copied to

dirName - the name of the destination directory


public string Extension

Allow people to set the default output file extension


public SourceForge.NAnt.FileSet FileSet

The set of files to be included in the archive.


public string LastModifiedCheck

Turn on/off last modified checking. by default, it is on.


public string ProjectFile

Allow people to set the path to the project.xml file


public string Style

Allow people to set the path to the .vsl file


public string TemplatePath

Set the path to the templates. The way it works is this: If you have a Velocity.properties file defined, this method will override whatever is set in the Velocity.properties file. This allows one to not have to define a Velocity.properties file, therefore using Velocity's defaults only.


public string VelocityPropertiesFile

Allow people to set the path to the velocity.properties file This file is found relative to the path where the JVM was run. For example, if build.sh was executed in the ./build directory, then the path would be relative to this directory. This is optional based on the setting of setTemplatePath().

Method Detail


protected void ExecuteTask()

Main body of the application