Class Include

Pluggable directive that handles the #include() statement in VTL. This #include() can take multiple arguments of either StringLiteral or Reference. * Notes: ----- 1) The included source material can only come from somewhere in the TemplateRoot tree for security reasons. There is no way around this. If you want to include content from elsewhere on your disk, use a link from somwhere under Template Root to that content. * 2) By default, there is no output to the render stream in the event of a problem. You can override this behavior with two property values : include.output.errormsg.start include.output.errormsg.end If both are defined in velocity.properties, they will be used to in the render output to bracket the arg string that caused the problem. Ex. : if you are working in html then include.output.errormsg.start= might be an excellent way to start... * 3) As noted above, #include() can take multiple arguments. Ex : #include( "foo.vm" "bar.vm" $foo ) will simply include all three if valid to output w/o any special separator. *

Fields inherited from class NVelocity.Runtime.Directive.Directive

Constructor Summary
        Initializes a new instance of the Include class.

Property Summary
string Name
int Type

Properties inherited from class NVelocity.Runtime.Directive.Directive
Column, Line

Method Summary
void init(NVelocity.Runtime.RuntimeServices rs, NVelocity.Context.InternalContextAdapter context, NVelocity.Runtime.Parser.Node.INode node)
         simple init - init the tree and get the elementKey from the AST
bool render(NVelocity.Context.InternalContextAdapter context, System.IO.TextWriter writer, NVelocity.Runtime.Parser.Node.INode node)
         iterates through the argument list and renders every argument that is appropriate. Any non appropriate arguments are logged, but render() continues.

Methods inherited from class NVelocity.Runtime.Directive.Directive

Methods inherited from class System.Object
Equals, Finalize, GetHashCode, GetType, MemberwiseClone, ToString

Constructor Detail


public Include()

Initializes a new instance of the Include class.

Property Detail


public string Name


public int Type

Method Detail


public void init(NVelocity.Runtime.RuntimeServices rs,
                 NVelocity.Context.InternalContextAdapter context,
                 NVelocity.Runtime.Parser.Node.INode node)

simple init - init the tree and get the elementKey from the AST


public bool render(NVelocity.Context.InternalContextAdapter context,
                   System.IO.TextWriter writer,
                   NVelocity.Runtime.Parser.Node.INode node)

iterates through the argument list and renders every argument that is appropriate. Any non appropriate arguments are logged, but render() continues.