Class PropertiesUtil

A property utility class for the texen text/code generator Usually this class is only used from a Velocity context.

Constructor Summary
        Initializes a new instance of the PropertiesUtil class.

Method Summary
Commons.Collections.ExtendedProperties load(string propertiesFile)
         Load properties from either a file in the templatePath if there is one or the classPath.
Commons.Collections.ExtendedProperties loadFromClassPath(string propertiesFile)
         Load a properties file from the classpath
Commons.Collections.ExtendedProperties loadFromTemplatePath(string propertiesFile)
         Load a properties file from the templatePath defined in the generator. As the templatePath can contains multiple paths, it will cycle through them to find the file. The first file that can be successfully loaded is considered. (kind of like the java classpath), it is done to clone the Velocity process of loading templates.

Methods inherited from class System.Object
Equals, Finalize, GetHashCode, GetType, MemberwiseClone, ToString

Constructor Detail


public PropertiesUtil()

Initializes a new instance of the PropertiesUtil class.

Method Detail


public Commons.Collections.ExtendedProperties load(string propertiesFile)

Load properties from either a file in the templatePath if there is one or the classPath.

propertiesFile - the properties file to load through either the templatePath or the classpath.
a properties instance filled with the properties found in the file or an empty instance if no file was found.


protected internal Commons.Collections.ExtendedProperties loadFromClassPath(string propertiesFile)

Load a properties file from the classpath

propertiesFile - the properties file to load.
a properties instance loaded with the properties from the file. If no file can be found it returns an empty instance.


protected internal Commons.Collections.ExtendedProperties loadFromTemplatePath(string propertiesFile)

Load a properties file from the templatePath defined in the generator. As the templatePath can contains multiple paths, it will cycle through them to find the file. The first file that can be successfully loaded is considered. (kind of like the java classpath), it is done to clone the Velocity process of loading templates.

propertiesFile - the properties file to load. It must be a relative pathname.
a properties instance loaded with the properties from the file. If no file can be found it returns an empty instance.