Class MultiViewsTool

Allows for transparent content negotiation in a manner mimicking Apache httpd's MultiViews.Reads the default language out of the ViewContext as

. See {@link #findLocalizedResource(String, String)} and {@link #findLocalizedResource(String, Locale)} for usage.

Field Summary
         The key used to search initialization, context, and JVM parameters for the default language to use.
string defaultLanguage
         The two character abbreviation for the request's default language.

Constructor Summary
         Creates a new uninitialized instance. Call {@link #init} to initialize it.

Method Summary
string findLocalizedResource(string name, string language)
        Finds the a localized version of the requested Velocity resource (such as a file or template) which is most appropriate for the locale of the current request. Use in conjuction with Apache httpd's
, or by itself.Usage from a template would be something like the following:
            #parse ($multiviews.findLocalizedResource("header.vm", "en"))
            #include ($multiviews.findLocalizedResource("my_page.html", "en"))
            #parse ($multiviews.findLocalizedResource("footer.vm", "en"))
You might also wrap this method using another pull/view tool which does internationalization/localization/content negation for a single point of access.
string findLocalizedResource(string name)
         Calls {@link #findLocalizedResource(String, String)} using the default language.
string findLocalizedResource(string name, System.Globalization.CultureInfo locale)
         Calls {@link #findLocalizedResource(String, String)} using the language extracted from
void Init(object obj)
         Extracts the default language from the specified
, looking first at the Velocity context, then the servlet context, then lastly at the JVM default. This "narrow scope to wide scope" pattern makes it easy to setup language overrides at different levels within your application.

Methods inherited from class System.Object
Equals, Finalize, GetHashCode, GetType, MemberwiseClone, ToString

Field Detail


protected internal string DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_KEY

The key used to search initialization, context, and JVM parameters for the default language to use.


protected internal string defaultLanguage

The two character abbreviation for the request's default language.

Constructor Detail


public MultiViewsTool()

Creates a new uninitialized instance. Call {@link #init} to initialize it.

Method Detail


public string findLocalizedResource(string name,
                                    string language)

Finds the a localized version of the requested Velocity resource (such as a file or template) which is most appropriate for the locale of the current request. Use in conjuction with Apache httpd's

, or by itself.Usage from a template would be something like the following:
            #parse ($multiviews.findLocalizedResource("header.vm", "en"))
            #include ($multiviews.findLocalizedResource("my_page.html", "en"))
            #parse ($multiviews.findLocalizedResource("footer.vm", "en"))
You might also wrap this method using another pull/view tool which does internationalization/localization/content negation for a single point of access.

name - The unlocalized name of the file to find.
language - The language to find localized context for.
The localized file name, or
if it is not localizable.


public string findLocalizedResource(string name)

Calls {@link #findLocalizedResource(String, String)} using the default language.


public string findLocalizedResource(string name,
                                    System.Globalization.CultureInfo locale)

Calls {@link #findLocalizedResource(String, String)} using the language extracted from



public void Init(object obj)

Extracts the default language from the specified

, looking first at the Velocity context, then the servlet context, then lastly at the JVM default. This "narrow scope to wide scope" pattern makes it easy to setup language overrides at different levels within your application.

obj - the current ViewContext @throws IllegalArgumentException if the param is not a ViewContext